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You can be on top of the newest Anti aging technology!

You can be on top of the newest Anti aging technology!

What is it  Essence Telomeres Support ! What is that, what are Telomeres? Be one of the first to share about it.

Definition from Wikipedia Telomere, another tip for Anti aging.
''A telomere is a region of repetitive nucleotide sequences at each end of a chromatid, which protects the end of the chromosome from deterioration or from fusion with neighboring chromosomes''.

''Over time, due to each cell division, the telomere ends become shorter''.''They are replenished by an enzyme, telomerase reverse transcriptase''.

'' The name elomere  from the Greek nouns telos (τέλος) 'end' and merοs (μέρος, root: μερ-) 'part''.'

Anti aging & Telomere
Anti aging & Telomere

Research of thirty nine individuals who had been a hundred years of age or even more, showed to have  long telomeres. So do telomeres matter, if any one should know it's people that have been around the longest. Of the well aged individuals the longer the Telomeres the more healthy the individual according to the research. 

 That they had more robust lung and heart perform, 
Anti aging & Telomere
Anti aging & Telomere
 healthy and balanced blood sugar levels, and much better thinking processes compared to those individuals with shorter telomeres. More then one study showed identical results, longer Telomeres make you younger or age better with better health. Research also shows us that every part of your body is affected by shortening telomeres


Basic all organs affected by shortening telomeres like the effects of old age. A research team including of course doctors and I'm not all sure who contributed, data from hundreds of published research papers as well. One study by University of California-San Francisco have found that longer telomeres are linked to better brain function.

Anti aging & Telomere
Anti aging & Telomere
 Close to 3000 participants over 7 years average age 75 a series of cognitive tests and compared the results  longer telomeres scored better on the mental performance tests. A study of 1000 sets of twins side by side comparisons of Telomeres showed the twin with the longer Telomeres was having better health.

Doctors are saying you can age more slowly by taking better care of your self. The best ways of  raising vitality, slowing the effects of old age are all natural. A healthy diet exercise and stress management are some of the most effective means. This is one way older men and women get better with age wile the young man just gets older.

All S MD said
''I use my broader knowledge of the way the human body works… and the knowledge I’ve gained from my ongoing study of Telomeres biology for the past 20 years''.
'' I’ve seen the benefits of supporting Telomeres health men''.'' I combined what I believe are the top 16 most promising high-powered Telomeres protectors into my Essence formula, you can experience yourself''.

.Physical performance

You can be on top of the newest Anti aging technology!


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