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Anti-Ageing tips for every day living.

 3# Anti-Ageing tips for living every day Healthy Diet, Body exercise, and Mind Exercises.

 The Brain needs to open the nerve passes. Learning a new language, reading or even just practise your Jabatan Kesihatan ( persekitaran ) consciousnesso or Health and Environment the smell, sound, visual input. The old adage "Use it or you will be lost" has been valid if he comes to your mind. Quote Ministry of Health Singapore, Chinese and or Malya Create kesihatan. Do not forget your diet is... "You are what you eat" they say.

If your goal is for your lively and strong in the 60's and 70's, or longer you should know a few anti-ageing secrets that focuses on mind, body and spirit. You will see the integration model -

Anti-Ageing tips

Anti-Ageing tips

New you or better there are many aspects of healthy living that depend on each other. Anecdotal information and science both show this to be true. Destroy the spirit and the body will follow. Stimulate your mind and your mood will lighten. Exercise your body and your mind will be sharper. In many ways, these anti-ageing tips are interdependent.

Regular exercise can help prevent many diseases associated with ageing, cancer, diabetes and heart disease. antioxidants and plant chemicals in fruits and vegetables can ward off age is an anti-ageing tips for living every day exercise is the best medicine for ageing. Garlic has so many anti ageing tips property. To prevent or cure many diseases that shorten life expectancy, such as cancer and cardiovascular and lower cloistral. Also called the food of youth because it has the potential to prevent age - related conditions from menopausal osteoporosis.
Anti-Ageing tips

Anti-Ageing tips

It is one thing to live that long, but if you want to live a long and vibrant life, you will need a lively and sharp mind. The brain, like the rest of the body, needs exercise to avoid becoming damp and even ridden disease. A Nuns study found that more educated women have a little sample of Alzheimer's disease. And although post mortem brain analysis found that although some may exhibit signs of the disease, the effect is not significant in women who have challenged their brains and have other interests outside of their work


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